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Indigenous Rangers

New opportunities 

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Indigenous Ranger projects 

Indigenous ranger projects were first funded in 2007 through the former Working on Country program. The program has created more than 2,100 full-time, part-time and casual jobs in land and sea management around the country. These jobs provide meaningful employment, training and career pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. 

Indigenous ranger projects support the combination of traditional knowledge and conservation training to protect land, sea and culture. This includes activities such as bushfire mitigation, protection of threatened species, and biosecurity compliance.   

Indigenous ranger groups also develop partnerships with research, education, philanthropic and commercial organisations to:  

  • share skills and knowledge  
  • engage with schools  
  • generate additional income and jobs in the environmental, biosecurity, heritage and other sectors.   

You can read more about different ranger activities at: 

Locations of Commonwealth funded Indigenous land and water management projects are detailed on this map Indigenous Protected Areas - Commonwealth Funded Indigenous Ranger Groups - PDF 2 MB

Details of project activities are available in the Indigenous land and sea management projects interactive map

The work of Indigenous rangers is highly valued by Indigenous communities across Australia. It achieves environmental and employment outcomes, alongside wider social, cultural and economic benefits.  

An independent evaluation of the Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas programs in 2016 found that through training and work on country, rangers had gained increased confidence and skills. Rangers reported they felt more pride, self-worth, health and wellbeing. They also had closer connections to family, culture and country.  

Ranger groups also reported a wide range of community benefits as a result of the programs, including:  

  • safer communities  
  • strengthened language and culture  
  • an ability to find meaningful employment  
  • increased respect for women  
  • more role models for younger people. 

Junior Rangers grant opportunities are managed through the Early Years and Education Branch which is part of the Social Policy Group. For inquiries related to Junior Rangers, please contact