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Values and behaviours

At NIAA our shared values and behaviours underpin how we work. To achieve our vision to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are heard, recognised and empowered, we must be a united team with a culture that positions us with the right capability, passion and pride to make a difference.

The impact of these values and behaviours go beyond our internal work practices. As we each live out these values and behaviours within the workplace, they inform the way we do our business with each other and our partners and stakeholders.

The NIAA values and behaviours were developed with input from across the Agency. Staff at all levels and across all areas of the NIAA participated to develop and agree our shared values and behaviours.

NIAA values

Our shared NIAA values are:

  • We respect multiple perspectives
    We seek, value and embed multiple views in everything we do
  • We are authentic
    We are honest, share the right information, and are brave in giving feedback
  • We are professional and act with integrity
    We are bold and make decisions backed by evidence
  • We invest in each other's success
    We ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to shine
  • We deliver with purpose
    We are focused on delivering the Government's agenda to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

NIAA be​​haviours

The shared values of the Agency are lived through behaviours. Specific behaviours articulate what it looks like when staff are demonstrating our shared values.

For each value there are a series of team and leadership behaviours:

  • Team behaviours are the behaviours we will see from all staff if they are truly living our values; and

Leadership behaviours are the behaviours we will see from staff in leadership and supervisory roles.