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Remote Housing Review

On 18 November 2016, the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion announced the independent Remote Housing Review of the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing (NPARIH) and the Remote Housing Strategy (the Strategy). 

The Review will assess the effectiveness of the NPARIH and the Strategy to identify what has worked or not worked under these programmes, including an analysis of the various challenges and opportunities for the participating jurisdictions. It will identify the level of residual demand for housing for people living in remote Indigenous communities and options for addressing these needs in the future.  It will also consider what changes are needed to make remote Indigenous housing more sustainable including the role for governments and the private sector as well as for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  Furthermore, it will identify opportunities to use housing investment to leverage stronger outcomes in Indigenous education and employment, business engagement, home ownership and broader government priorities, including the Council of Australian Governments’ Closing the Gap targets. 

The Review will involve two key elements – an analysis of what was implemented in the past and an assessment of what should be effected in the future.

An expert panel consisting of the following members has been appointed to conduct the Review.

  • Ms Rachelle Towart and Mr Robert Griew (co-Chairs)
  • Mr Fred Pascoe
  • Ms Susan Murphy

The expert panel will work with government officers to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are at the centre of the Review. Additionally the expert panel will work together, drawing on their expertise and knowledge of remote Indigenous housing throughout the Review, and will provide leadership on consultation and engagement with Indigenous communities and businesses, housing service providers, peak bodies, land councils and state governments.

A consultative committee has also been established to support the Review comprising of representatives from the Commonwealth, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory governments.


Submissions to the expert panel for the Remote Housing Review are now closed.